You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the
              Folk Hall on 21 March, 2022.  Business will commence at 19.00 hours.


              In view of the personal nature of the business about to be transacted under agenda items
              9, 9A & 9B the Council may decide to exclude the public temporarily from the meeting.


             1       Notices of the Meeting, Receipt of Apologies and Approving Reasons for    
             2       To Receive Declarations of Interest on any Items on the Agenda
             3       To Receive Reports on Police Matters
             4       To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 February, 2022

             5       Membership of the Council – Co-option to Casual Vacancies
             6       To Consider Any Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Previous     

                      A  The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - Primary School Update
                      B  St Nick's Green Corridor Project
                      C  Ofcom - Review of Postal Regulations - NALC Response
                      D  Local Plan Hearings - Deferred Due to Illness of Inspector
                      E  Recycling Projects - Library/Primary School Competition Funding and
                      Provision of Recycling Bins at the Folk Hall
                      F  York St John University - Parking on Haxby Road
             7       To Receive Correspondence Since the Previous Meeting Other Than That
                      Circulated for Information
                      A  North Yorkshire County Council - Adoption of Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

                      B  Groundwork - Tree Canopy Targets

                      C Leeds Airport - Notification of Airspace Change Decisions
                      D YLCA - Smaller Councils Committee
                      E YLCA – York Branch Meeting – Code of Conduct Letter

            8        Planning Matters/Consultations


                      A  Update (24.2.22) from JRHT about proposed housing developments in New 
                      New Earswick


                      B  22/00456/FUL - Land Lying to the West of Acacia Avenue, New Earswick

                      Erection of 6 No. Dwellings Following Demolition of Garages











          9          Update from the Finance Committee Meeting held on 9 March, 2022
                      A  Proposed Changes to Office Accommodation
                      B  Confirmation of 2021-22 National Salary Award (Backdated to 1.4.21)

        10          Grant Applications (Section 137)
                      A  New Earswick Nature Reserve
                      B  All Saints and St Andrew's Church
        11          Environmental Matters

                      A Resident - Request for Reduction in Glyphosate use in Weed Control
                      B Safety Issues with the Footpath Adjacent to the River Foss
                      C Damaged Paving Near to the Shops
        12          Update on Attendance at YLCA Member Training
        13          York Bus Forum Membership

        14          Notification of Closure- New Earswick Methodist Church        


        15          To Approve the Payments Listed Below


                      A  Joseph Rowntree Foundation (Room Hire)                            786.00 (14.3.22)

                      B  Petty Cash                                                                                50.00 (14.3.22)                           
                      C  Salary (March)                                                                        662.05 (20.3.22)
                      D  HMRC                                                                                     533.24 (21.3.22)


        16          Items for the Next Meeting




     Signed _____________________________ Clerk 14 March, 2022













Sally Bruckshaw

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York YO32 4AQ

Telephone 07391 665639